
J. Michael Brick

Senior Vice President, Statistics and Data Science; Statistical Fellows Committee Co-Chair


J. Michael Brick, PhD, is a Senior Vice President, Statistics and Data Science. He is a senior statistician and survey methodologist with 40+ years of experience in sample design and estimation for large surveys, the theory and practice of address-based and telephone surveys, the techniques of quality management and survey quality control, nonresponse and bias evaluation, and survey methodology.

Brick is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and is an elected Member of the International Statistical Institute. He is an associate editor of Survey Methodology and is on the editorial boards of Public Opinion Quarterly and the Journal of Survey Methodology and Statistics. He is a co-author of Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology.

Brick has served as President of the Washington Statistical Society and on the Executive Council of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. He chairs the Statistics Canada Advisory Committee on Statistical Methods, was a member of the National Academy of Science Panel on Food Insecurity, and served on the ASA Advisory Committee for the U.S. Census Bureau. Brick is also a research professor in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland.

In recognition of his contributions to the field, Brick was honored with the 2017 Monroe G. Sirken Award in Interdisciplinary Survey Methods Research by the ASA. In addition, he is a Westat Senior Statistical Fellow and co-chairs the Statistical Fellows Committee, which provides consultation on important survey statistics issues and addresses recent advances in applied statistics.


  • PhD, Statistics, American University
  • MA, Statistics, American University
  • BS, Mathematics, University of Dayton


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