[UPBEAT MUSIC] ANNOUNCER: If you are interested in a field interviewer's job on The Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study, also called the PATH study, this video will provide a brief overview of the position. The PATH study looks at tobacco use and how it affects the health of people in the United States. This year, the PATH study interviewers will contact over 40,000 adults and youth. Interviewers locate addresses, introduce the study, answer questions, and communicate the importance of participating. Interviews occur in the respondent's homes. The PATH study interviewers use Westat laptops to gather demographic information and help respondents with a self-administered questionnaire that asks about health, tobacco use and regulations, product warning labels and advertising. Interviewers will ask some respondents for biological samples. Providing biological samples is completely voluntary. Interviewers will instruct respondents on how to collect their urine sample in their home, and the interviewer will ship the sample to the lab. Interviewers keep cold storage panels in their home freezers and bring them to the interview because urine samples must be kept cold after collection, and shipped as soon as possible to a lab. Interviewers use a wheeled duffel bag to hold and organize the supplies. The bag weighs about 30 pounds when filled. Interviewers must be able to wheel the filled bag, lift and carry it. PATH study interviewers are self-motivated, comfortable using a laptop and enjoy working with people from all walks of life. This is a part time position averaging 20 hours a week, mostly nights and weekends. There is no fixed schedule but interviewers are expected to work consistently for at least four hours at a time, on different days of the week, and at varying times of the day. Successful completion of an extensive virtual training on all aspects of the job is required. Training is approximately 20 to 25 hours per week for approximately three weeks prior to the start of data collection. This is a paid training and must be completed prior to beginning work. Thank you for your interest in the PATH study interviewers job. If you'd like to apply, go to fig.westat.com, search for the position and apply now. [UPBEAT MUSIC]