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Westat-Led Article Awarded 2023 JRM Best Paper

April 30, 2024

The Journal of Registry Management (JRM) Best Paper of the Year for 2023 has been awarded to a Westat-led journal article. “Rationale and Methodologic Approach for Assessing Ovarian Cancer Treatment and Gynecologic Oncologist Involvement in the Midwest Region of the United States” was written as a collaborative effort with CDC authors, led by Westat’s Diane Ng, MPH, and included Westat authors Wilhelmina Ross, PA, MPH, ODS, and Maricarmen Traverso-Ortiz, MPH, ODS.

The JRM, affiliated with the National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA), awards the Best Paper based on its contribution to medical registry work, as well as for encompassing theory, practice, and management of registries, professional development, and/or the collection, quality review, reporting, and use of registry data.

The article discusses a CDC study focused on ovarian cancer treatment and outcomes in the Midwest, where access to specialized gynecologic oncologists is limited and the region is geographically varied with respect to urbanicity. The article describes how central cancer registries were used to gather additional data, particularly concerning the involvement of gynecologic oncologists in the patient’s care and specific treatment details.

“The article outlines lessons learned that can help inform future studies interested in a similar methodologic approach to obtain additional data beyond what are collected by cancer registries, including detailed treatment associated with cancer cases,” notes Ng. “This additional data can help enable researchers to identify differences in care, which can lead to interventions to improve outcomes in cancer patients.”


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