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New App Analyzes Bias Blindspots

September 27, 2023

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) allows states to use survey methods for collecting data on certain performance indicators. States must report on response rates, representativeness, and nonresponse bias. To help states analyze their data, the IDEA Data Center (IDC), which Westat supports through technical assistance, developed the Nonresponse Bias Analysis (NRBA) app. This interactive, user-friendly, sophisticated app allows users to conduct reproducible analyses tailored to their survey data.

The NRBA app provides a number of benefits for users, enabling them to examine response rates, representativeness, and nonresponse bias. Users can answer key questions like:

  • What are the response rates across subgroups?
  • Are some groups over/underrepresented in the data?
  • How do outcomes differ across groups?
  • Can adjustments reduce bias?

The NRBA app provides a user-friendly interface for sophisticated statistical analyses. Users interact through a web browser while computations run securely in the background. Confidential data remains only on the local machine. The NRBA app leverages state-of-the-art methods for examining response rates, representativeness, and nonresponse bias. Users get tailored, reproducible analyses to ensure quality data collection and reporting. With the NRBA app, states can analyze their survey data to address nonresponse bias and improve data quality.

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