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JSSAM Special SAE Issue Features Westat Expertise

April 19, 2024

Westat expertise in small area estimation (SAE) methods and applications are featured in a special virtual issue of the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology (JSSAM).

SAE methods offer reliable estimates for specific geographic or subcommunity units, complementing direct estimates. These methods, along with credible uncertainty measures, provide a principled alternative in statistical analysis, recognized for their efficacy and acceptance. To spotlight this topic, JSSAM Editors Katherine Jenny Thompson and Kristen Olson have carefully assembled a selection of articles from the many outstanding works published in the journal. An asterisk (*) indicates Westat staff.

Article Cited in Introduction

Robert E. Fay* and Roger A. Herriot. Estimates of Income for Small Places: An Application of James-Stein Procedures to Census Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association.

JSSAM Articles

Emily Berg, William Cecere*, and Malay Ghosh. Small Area Estimation for County-Level Farmland Cash Rental Rates.

Andreea L. Erciulescu* and Wayne A. Fuller. Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Small Area Means from Unit-Level Nonlinear Models. 


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