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Jeri Mulrow Is Keynote Speaker for 2021 Data Science for Public Good Symposium

July 27, 2021

Jeri Mulrow, M.S., Westat’s Vice President, Statistics and Evaluation Sciences Director, is the keynote speaker at the Data Science for the Public Good Annual Symposium, to be held on August 6, 2021, at 1 pm (ET). The symposium, which is free and open to the public, champions research and public policy on issues that will shape a healthy future for communities around the world, all within a bedrock of data science and ethics. Westat is a sponsor of the event. 

Ms. Mulrow’s presentation is titled: Enabling Data Science to Do Public Good: Are We Making an Impact? She will speak about the essential building blocks for this to happen, such as the establishment of foundational laws to build on, nurturing and developing practitioner skills in survey methodology, and encouraging interdisciplinary research. She’ll discuss how her career of 30+ years in the federal government and private industry has developed, fostering her interest in integrating data science fundamentals to inform public policy and make an impact.


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