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How States and Districts Use Title II, Part A Funds

August 23, 2023

To support effective instruction and decrease achievement gaps in states and districts over $2 billion per year is provided through the Title II, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. Westat recently completed the latest in a series of annual reports, State and District Use of Title II, Part A Funds in 2021-22 (PDF), to summarize state and district funding priorities in this area. Co-authors of the report at Westat are Ann Webber, MPP, Principal Research Associate,  Roberta Garrison-Mogren, MA, Principal Research Associate, and Valerie Orellana, MEd, Lead Research Associate.

Overall, the use of funds by states and districts was similar to previous years.

  • States were more likely to fund professional development in 2021–22 compared to the previous year, representing 22% of overall spending on state-level activities.
  • The largest use of district Title II-A funds was for professional development (55% of spending), a smaller share than the previous year.
  • Title II-A also supported district efforts to recruit and retain effective educators (18% of spending) and to reduce class size (14% of spending).
  • Nearly 2/3 of all districts (63%) reported examining the distribution of teacher quality or effectiveness across their schools for low-income students. Only 15% of districts reported using Title II-A funds specifically to improve the distribution of effective educators.

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