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Grant Program Provides Diapers, Family Support Referrals

May 22, 2024

How are grant recipients providing diapers to American families with funding from the Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot (Diaper Distribution Pilot)? The Westat evaluation team explore the variety of diaper distribution programs and methods in a new brief, “Diapers for Families in Need: An Overview of Federally Funded Approaches to Diaper Distribution,” from the Office of Performance, Research, and Evaluation.

Many American families struggle to obtain as many diapers as their children need. Since the Diaper Distribution Pilot began in 2022, the Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Community Services has funded 3 cohorts of grant recipients to distribute diapers to families nationwide. These programs use various methods to purchase, transport, store, and distribute diapers and diapering supplies to families with young children. They also connect families with additional wraparound support services. Learn more about the Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot (DDDRP) Evaluation and Westat’s ongoing evaluation work with our partners Public Profit and Dr. Jennifer Randles.

The Westat evaluation team includes Monirah Al-Abdulmunem, MS, Marneena Evans, Sarah Giordano, and Allison Hyra, PhD.


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