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FNS Issues SNAP-Ed PSE Change Initiative Toolkit

November 9, 2023

The SNAP-Ed Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) Change Initiative Data Toolkit, just introduced by FNS, provides both foundational information to support program requirements described in the SNAP-Ed Plan Guidance and supplemental material that agencies may use to enhance their SNAP-Ed work. It expands on and complements previously developed SNAP-Ed resources, including the SNAP-Ed Needs Assessment Toolkit created previously. The toolkit delivers with clear visuals and relatable examples to describe how SNAP-Ed agencies can take a data-informed approach to planning, reporting, and communicating successes from their PSE change initiatives.

Westat collaborated with FNS national and regional offices and SNAP-Ed federal partners, and convened a technical advisory group of SNAP-Ed agency staff to gather a range of perspectives to include in the toolkit. The toolkit was authored by Westat staff members Lila Gutuskey PhD, MEd; Stacy Gleason MPH; Jake Beckerman-Hsu PhD, SM, MPH; Katie Powell, MPP; and Nina Page.

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