
Cost-Effectiveness of Incorporating Game-Based Apps Into Educational Instruction

March 9, 2022

What’s the cost-effectiveness of 3 algebraic game-based applications to support classroom instruction? Westat Senior Study Directors Matthew Finster, Ph.D., and Lauren Decker-Woodrow, Ph.D., will share their insights at the upcoming Association for Education Finance and Policy’s (AEFP) 47th Annual Conference. The conference, to be held March 17-19, 2022, will focus on the responses of education finance and policy to the challenges of COVID-19 and racial injustice.

Matthew Finster

Drs. Finster and Decker-Woodrow will present their paper: Cost-Effectiveness of Three Algebraic Technological Applications: From Here to There, DragonBox 12+, and ASSISTments Saturday, March 19, 2022, at 12pm (ET).

“As one of the few cost-effectiveness studies of algebraic technological applications using impact estimates from a rigorous large-scale randomized controlled trial study, the study contributes to the literature about the efficiency of incorporating game-based technologies into instruction,” noted Drs. Finster and Decker-Woodrow. 

Lauren Decker-Woodrow

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