
Michael Raithel on Using Google Maps with SAS to Calculate Driving Distances

July 12, 2022

How can you integrate SAS® with Google Maps to improve calculating driving distances? Michael Raithel, a Westat Senior Systems Analyst, will be presenting a SAS technical paper on this topic at the Boston Area SAS Users Group (BASUG) meeting on Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 12 pm (ET). Mr. Raithel is the author of 5 books on SAS software, 25+ SAS technical papers, and 200+ SAS blog posts. He is an internationally recognized expert on the use of SAS in mainframe, Linux, and Windows environments.

Michael Raithel

His paper, Invoking Google Maps with SAS® to Calculate Driving Distances, presents a SAS macro program that invokes Google Maps to calculate driving distances between pairs of addresses. Start and end addresses are input via an Excel spreadsheet, so any practical number of driving distances can be computed in a single run of the program. SAS programmers can copy the macro program from Appendix C of this paper and begin using it right away.

Register: Invoking Google Maps with SAS® to Calculate Driving Distances by Michael A. Raithel | BASUG. (Note: The linked page contains the abstracts for the presentation.)


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